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Dental Clinic \Stomadex\savecompany

Dental Clinic \Stomadex\ is located in PoznaƄ, Poland on Osiedle Czecha 78. Dental Clinic \Stomadex\ is rated 3.6 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Poland.

Star 3 out of 5 price$$
rating_single_star 4.2
rating_single_star N/A
rating_single_star N/A


Kajetan Hoppe

(Translated by Google) I do not recommend. I was in stomadex in December because my tooth hurt a lot, and unfortunately my dentist was closed, I went to the stomadex. So they gave me medicine and they put too much of it, just like they would make a plasticine ball and put it in there and that's it. But after 2 weeks I look in the mirror and there is no medicine there, only a little medicine is left and now I have a huge pain in the tooth. So I do not recommend it, I spent almost PLN 150 (Original) Nie polecam.bylam w grudniu wlasnie w stomadex bo strasznie mnie bolaƂ ząb, a niestety ze moja dentystka miala zamknięte to poszlam do stomadex. Wiec dali mi lekarstwo i naƂoĆŒyli go za duĆŒo, poprostu tak jak by zrobili kulke z plasteliny i tam wƂoĆŒyli i tyle. Ale po 2 tygodniach patrze w lustro a tam nie ma lekarstwa tylko troche zostalo lekarstwa i wlasnie teraz mnie zaczal mega bolec zab. Wiec nie polecam wydaƂeam prawie 150 zl


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(Translated by Google) I paid 150 zlotys today for only a visual inspection and a few words of MASAKRA. (Original) ZapƂaciƂem dzisiaj 150 zƂoty z same oględziny i pare sƂów MASAKRA.


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Emilian Kopczynski

(Translated by Google) First visit was cool for 5 Today (10/10/2020) I was supposed to have root canal treatment, I did a total of 50 km to get to them on the spot, it turned out that I am not registered and the only thing they can say is I'm sorry, so I was signed up on 04/10/2020. I even got a card with a donation and an hour and who should I go to: 9 Apparently, you did not want to see the dentist because she had other patients registered ... unfortunately they have to have signatures and stamps for everything ... I honestly do not recommend ... rather, I will never go back there ... (Original) Pierwsza wizyta spoko na 5 Dzisiaj (10.10.2020) miaƂem mieć leczenie kanaƂowe zrobiƂem Ƃacznie 50km aby do nich dotrzeć na miejscu okazaƂo sie ze nie jestem zapisany i jedyne co mogą powiedzieć to Przepraszam co z tego ze 04.10.2020 byƂem sie zapisać . nawet dostaƂem kartke z datka i godziną oraz do kogo mam isć nr: 9 Widocznie nie chciaƂo sie Pani Dentystce przyjmować bo miaƂa innych pacjentów zapisanych ... niestety u nich trzeba miec na wszystko kwity na wszystko podpisy i pieczątki ... szczerze nie polecam ... raczej nigdy tam nie wrócę ...


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Iwona GawroƄska

(Translated by Google) I wholeheartedly recommend professional patient care, my daughter and I go there, I really recommend it (Original) Z caƂego serca polecam profesjonalna opieka nad pacjentem chodzimy tam ja i moja córka, naprawdę polecenia


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Gry Walnie

(Translated by Google) Very professional and friendly patient care. I heartily recommend. I will definitely come back! (Original) Bardzo profesjonalna I przemiƂa opieka nad pacjentem. Serdecznie polecam. Na pewno będę wracaƂ!


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Agnieszka Piotrowska

(Translated by Google) Pros: I was admitted on the same day. The toothache is gone A clean office Minuses: The visit was not pleasant (but also not the worst), I indicated at the beginning that I need to shut my mouth from time to time. I understand that it is not possible to do it at all times, but I didn't get a single moment when I could close my mouth, so I had to do it myself, and your dentist was slightly nervous. And a little minus, because it is not important, but it does affect the overall impression: putting the tools on the patient is not very elegant when there is a shelf next to it. All in all, a good place for one-off treatment, but for permanent treatment, you can find a better place. (Original) Plusy: ZostaƂam przyjęta tego samego dnia. BĂłl zęba ustąpiƂ Czysty gabinet Minusy: Wizyta nie byƂa przyjemna (ale teĆŒ nie najgorsza), zaznaczyƂam na początku, ĆŒe potrzebuje co jakiƛ czas zamknąć usta. Rozumiem, ĆŒe nie w kaĆŒdym momencie moĆŒna to zrobić, jednak nie dostaƂam ani jednego momentu, w ktĂłrym mogƂabym zamknąć usta, dlatego musiaƂam robić to sama, a Pani dentystka delikatnie się denerwowaƂa. I taki malutki minusik, bo nie jest to waĆŒne, jednak wpƂywa na ogĂłlne wraĆŒenie: odkƂadanie narzędzi na pacjenta nie jest zbyt eleganckie, gdy obok jest póƂka. Podsumowując dobre miejsce na jednorazową pomoc, jednak na staƂe leczenie moĆŒna znaleĆșć lepsze miejsce.


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(Translated by Google) Very nice and professional service. Clean and sterile, all safety rules kept during a pandemic. The office equipment is very good, the diagnosis and cost are adequate for the service. I recommend. (Original) Bardzo mila i fachowa obsƂuga. Czysto i sterylnie, w czasie pandemii wszelkie zasady bezpieczeƄstwa zachowane. WyposaĆŒenie gabinetu bardzo dobre, diagnoza i koszt adekwatne do usƂugi. Polecam.


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kinga konopka

(Translated by Google) REVELATION!!! We traveled 60 km to them with my son who had a toothache on Friday and no one in our area wanted to see him, we were welcomed on Sunday. The recorder and the doctor, great cupcakes, thank you again for your help, we will recommend (Original) REWELACJA!!! Jechaliƛmy do nich 60 km z synem którego w piątek zacząƂ bolec ząb i nikt w naszej okolicy nie chciaƂ Go przyjąć zostaliƛmy przyjęci w niedziele. pani rejestratorka jak i pani doktor super babeczki jeszcze raz dziękujemy za pomoc będziemy polecać


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Dental Clinic \Stomadex\



+48 618776433





Osiedle Czecha 78
61-289 PoznaƄ

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